
November 23, 2011

I am Thankful for......

I am so very thankful for the children that God blessed me with.
 They bless me beyond measure.
 Their love for each other makes my heart full.
 How each so very different from the other,
was designed specifically by God to fill my heart perfectly.
 Different, yet one..... one family..... one love.
 oh, my heart!!  is so very, very blessed!

November 14, 2011

our BIG.... BUSY life!

Oh, my......  our BIG life has almost been too big to handle lately!! but not in a fun way.  My work has changed a bit as my assignment has increased to cover some "vacant" positions.   This has been quite a scheduling nightmare as I've tried to keep up with both home and work.

It seems our "BIGness" has had both upsides and downsides lately.

Upside:  Nevin got his new iPad,
Downside:  I am scrambling to learn faster than him so that I can keep him safe on it.   He LOVES to search youtube for "clips" from all his favorite movies, however the youtube environment...... ESPECIALLY on an iPad is not a safe environment.  And the YouTube App doesn't allow for any "safesearch" like the website does.  So I've been experimenting with adding "shortcut to webpage" to give him access to youtube with safesearch on..... FAIL!!   YouTube iPad browser is still "accessible".   Sooo...... removed shortcut.   Much to "someone's" dismay  :(    Now we also can't use some of our educational videos from the WatchKnow App.  sooo.... still a FAIL.

Upside:  I got a new iPad for work (even more upside..... they bought it for me!)
Downside:  Wow, what a learning curve!!  as someone who hasn't had a smartphone, I am STRUGGLING with my calendars.   Synching work email, work calendars, home calendar, home email, etc. etc.   I am not able to keep my paper calendar and my "digital calendar" both up to date.  FORCING myself to "let go" of my paper calendar,  but my visual learner brain..... is really struggling with not being able to flip open my "calendar" and "SEE" it.

Upside:  Nevin has two special people who are starting to do respite with him.  Upside:  this has the potential to assist me in my current scheduling nightmares  Upside: Nevin gets to spend more time with two people who are very important to him..... his brother, Nolan (because he is currently laid off work) and his friend, Reagan.
Downside:  Since we are doing CCO (Consumer Choice Option) to manage Nevin's services...This has meant extra time on my part in getting them "hired","set-up", "scheduled", etc.

Upside:  I am meeting new precious children and their families.... as my work time expands..
Downside:  As I negotiate this transition, I feel like I'm not meeting everyone's needs.

Upside:  I'm getting the chance to work with older kids..... and that has meant even some of the ones that I worked with when they were babies.....   What fun!

Downside:  I have been working in Early Intervention with little ones/families and I haven't worked in the schools for many years.....  it is a very different setting, requires a different mindset, has a different paperwork process (IEP's)  that has been changed multiple since I last wrote one...... and mostly doesn't allow for lots of the parent connection that I crave and need to feel like I'm serving children the best I can.

Upside:  We bought a travel trailer and are planning a trip south for a couple weeks this winter.!!  Yippee.
Downside:  This has meant a learning curve for us, mostly my hubbie, as we learn to winterize, get our almost 20 year old Suburban ready to pull a 15 year old trailer.   While he's been awesome about assuming responsibility of his new role...... he also would like to spend lot's of time talking about it...... and my time and energy has not allowed me to be a very good listener/active participant in this endeavor.  :(
Downside:  We just figured out that SeaWorld in San Antonio is closed in January and February.   It was our planned "Main Attraction"  :(   So now hubbie would like to spend lot's of time researching/discussing/planning where else we can go.    ....... and again I say "my time and energy has not allowed me to be a very good listener/active participant in this endeavor".  :(

Upside in general:  God is showing me A.G.A.I.N., that only in my broken-ness and surrender can he use me for his glory.  Upside:  sermon at church today.....  reminded me of that  :)
Downside in general:  don't feel like I'm keeping all the balls in the air.  And the stress has taken a toll on my immune system.
Upside:  God has gifted us with caring doctors who prescribe antibiotics for ear infection, prednisone for inflammation.......  and today, finally after 9 days of my ear hurting and ringing, headaches, neck soreness and swollen lymph nodes..... I am feeling better!  physically, emotionally and spiritually.
At least until tomorrow..... (actually, 1:30 in the morning now..... so later today....) when I forget all the upsides...... and can only think of the downsides!

Nevin and I spent some time on the computer together yesterday....... and he was so proud of our "artwork", guiding me through pictures to find one of him with short hair like Curly, goofy look like Curly,  making sure I "noted" that they are twins  ....... thought I'd share!   Think I'll print it and take it with me today!!