Yaba Daba Doo!!
Some of us need to practice our salute a little bit! :)
Nevin has a very deep respect for military,
and always wants his picture with soldiers.
Yes, sir!!
"I'm in the Army now!!"
..... and next..... the BIG crane!!
He loves that this picture looks like he's operating the crane himself!
The voluteers were all wonderful. She is congratulating him
for his expert crane operation.
Then..... Nevin climbed the sand mountain......
He stood at the top for a long time,
I was worried that he couldn't figure out how to get down.
(he really does struggle with depth perception and going down stairs...
so it was a legitimate concern.)
I figured out he was just waiting for kids to clear out and make way.
He came rolling down, arms and legs flyin'.
this was the first "dumping" of sand .....
but we kept finding it in pockets for days.
lastly..... Nevin's very favorite!!
The Lift (or cherry picker, depending on who is talking)
.....can you tell that Nevin is anxious to do the lift? :)
He was REALLY proud of the fact that he talked ME into doing the lift.
He knows I hate heights......
This was the best I could do with one hand white knuckled on the rail
and one hand to run the camera!!
It was a wonderful day!! We are definitely going back next September!