
March 16, 2008

Either matching tattoos or matching purses

My friend Amy volunteered to help me find some girl time and escape my "Tyrannosaurus Rex" mood. So we "got away" to a nearby city for an overnight, with lot's of shopping and giggling fun.

We've been friends for 23 years. We've been through "life" together. Many times sharing tears and laughter together as we "grew up" and learned to become women. Never have I doubted that if I needed her, she'd be there. Soooo........ when she heard that I was desperate for some "girl time" she came to my rescue.

There just isn't anything as healing as laughing 'til ya cry and as we age...... the "other" saying makes more sense..... i.e. meaning we do more cross-legged laughing these days. :)

Since we've been through everything together...... we decided it was time. Time to do something to honor our "sisterhood". Sooo...... it was either a matching tattoo or matching purses.

After much thought we decided to get matching ............

March 11, 2008

Tyrannosaurus Rex

Nevin called me a Tyrannosaurus Rex yesterday. Now, I don't really think he was "calling me names", as he often assigns "parts" to people around him in his plays. So I don't think he meant it personal...... but I took it personal, because I've been a bit ...... hmmmm....... shall we say..... grumpy..... lately. So I think it was an assignment well deserved. :( After I got over having my feelings hurt, we went on to have some very productive school time. In fact, school has been going very well lately. It's been fun.

As I went to my bible for some guidance with my "attitude", I decided to go to the book of Jonah. My bible study group is studying Jonah right now..... so I planned to "review and process" some of what we've been covering. Nevin joined me, so I read it outloud to him. He was very engaged! So we went on to "school" and processed the story of Jonah together. Nevin was very tickled that all the letters of his name are in Nineveh and that he was able to "I Spy" that fact. You might also note in the picture that Nevin usually wants to "re-process" the story with him in it....... thus, Nevin helping Jonah from the dry land to get to Nineveh. :)

I do think that I need to look inward and take better care of myself. I need to sit at the feet of Jesus for a while and surrender some things that I've been carrying. No big secrets..... just life..... it gets real heavy when you try to carry it on your own. I think some of my issues are a combination of cabin fever, and lack of "girl time". Soooo....... girls..... we got some "planning" to do. :)

March 5, 2008

Dinosaur Bones in my dining room!

Nevin worked hard digging up dinosaur bones in my dining room. We used the Usborne Dinosaur Kids Kit. It was great, Nevin loved it. It was also very good for eye hand coordination (as you can see in the video). Nevin posted lot's more pictures on his photoblog and also a story he wrote using Pixwriter. He wanted me to post this video, so y'all could see how hard he worked. :)

March 4, 2008

Upside of Down

I just HAD to post this. I love it. Thank you Tara from EmmaSage Blog for posting this.

This wonderful song and video created for the 2006 World Down syndrome Congress by Fred Penner.


March 1, 2008

Blessed by health

As I've joined the world of blogging, I'm enjoying reading blogs written by others.  I have especially enjoyed the stories of other families who've been blessed by something extra (i.e. an extra chromosome, T21, a.k.a. Down syndrome. 

I am reminded of how blessed we were when Nevin was born healthy.   His heart defect was minor and did not require any surgery.  He latched on and nursed as well as my previous two babies (and although he couldn't handle too much flow..... pumping first to avoid "drowning" seemed to solve this problem .... and after several months, he did fine).   His immune system was easily compromised, requiring frequent hospitalizations that first year,  but nothing compared to what some families must deal with.  

Sooo..... we were spared some of the extra "worries" that can sometimes come with "extra chromosomes".    Please join me in praying for families who have to deal with significant health issues related to DS.   I've added links to a few of these families.     Brianna is dealing with leukemia, she is part of our local Down syndrome support group.    Kennedy's daddy is in Afghanistan, she has had multiple health issues including Leukemia and now faces surgery and a halo for severe neck instability.    I'll let you meet Chelsea and Parker via their blogs.   Princess Mya doesn't have Down Syndrome...... but she does have a brain tumor (her grandpa and my dad are cousins).

Thank you for your prayers.